We decided not to offer digital versions of our precision dyed swatches, fans, or drapes and here’s why.
“Kim, I have bought some physical colour supplies from you before. Please can you let me know whether you now sell on any digital colour analysis supplies such as digital palettes, drapes and colour wheels please?” Wizburga
Dear Wizburga,
All our swatch wallets, fabric fans and palettes contain professional-quality precision dyed fabrics which match our colour analysis drapes. So we decided not to offer any digital versions of our swatches, drapes or colour wheels.
We discussed this at length with our colour suppliers and we all agree that digital alternatives are not particularly accurate as the colours displayed on-screen are only as accurate as the screen the client is viewing on allows, especially as you have no control over the hardware or software that your client may or may not be using.
As all our customers will be buying clothes made of fabric, we believe that the best customer service possible is to provide fabric swatches.
In my Colour Your Client Fabulous Online course, I show you how you don’t need digital swatches anway.
And that comes directly from my own experience of providing online colour analysis consultations hundreds of years before most even started thinking about offering a virtual, online service.
And to pre-empt your next question, we will not be adding digital supplies at any time in the future!