Q. I’m really not sure which wallets are going to work with the drapes I already use?
Please don’t get hung up on the drapes and wallets. The drapes are just theatre for the client and a prop for you to support your theory of whether she’s Warm or Cool, Light or Deep, Bright or Muted, or whether she’s a Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter.
As for the wallets, sometimes I think they should be banned as dangerous!
Some clients totally misuse them, thinking they can wear absolutely every shade in the dratted thing, which no-one ever could, and that they can only wear those 18 or 30 particular shades. Utter rubbish, of course.
It makes me wonder if image consultants just aren’t doing their job properly. I think I’ve just answered that one. Your client will never be able to find an exact match for any of the swatches (in any wallet anywhere in the world for that matter) unless she buys a few yards of fabric from our manufacturer, so why waste time honing it down to exactly which shade looks better?
The drapes and wallets we provide are designed to work with every system and every other drape or wallet.