Q. When I had my colors done, I didn’t see the Tonal wallets and wasn’t sure what their role was. Could you tell me a little more about them? I thought there were just the 4 Seasons.
The six tones are
- Cool
- Warm
- Light
- Deep
- Bright
- Soft/muted
The concept is not completely different from the 4 seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Both work together, or can be used separately, depending on how your brain works and what you feel comfortable with.
The tonal approach is based on ‘what you see first’, but ultimately this method also leads you safely through to working out your client’s Seasonal direction. Every woman wants to be able to tell her friends whether she is an Autumn, a Spring, a Summer or a Winter.
Based on her Tonal direction and using the example of a Spring lady, you will be able to give her more information than this – you will be telling her what sort of Spring she is – Warm Spring, Light Spring or Bright Spring.
Take a look at the tonal fans to help you visualise the differences.
A colour analysis course with us explains this in great detail. After that, you might decide to stick with the 4 seasons, you might prefer just to follow the tonal approach, or you may opt to combine both in your consultations.
We don’t run a franchise, this is your business, so you can decide.