Scenario: I have just done a lady this morning and basically she only really suited Deep Winter, but liked Deep Autum colours too, but I tried to steer her away from the obvious yellow-based colours of rust, olive and ochre.
So does your Deep tonal fan cover just the Deep of Autumn and Winter? This would solve the dilemna of seeing that someone is patently Winter but because she loves SOME deep Autumn colours thinks she is Autumn, and consequently gets hair colour wrong and accessories etc.
Presumably likewise for the LIghts (Spring and Summer) Warm (Autumn and Spring) etc etc. I am just newly ‘certified’ so a bit wobbly still on discerning and when you get an awkward customer who insists on liking Autumn when she is patently Winter it is worrying!
And of course I really wanted to split the Autumn and Winter swatch packs, and make up her individual pack. Can you undo fans and do this?
The tonal system is for exactly as you say. In a nutshell, it’s there for people who don’t easily fall into the 4 seasons, or fall between them, which is the old ‘flow’ system of Winter -> Autumn, etc.
- I am absolutely a Winter but none of the Deep, Bright or Cool tonal fans do anything for me on their own. The Deep and Bright fans have warm colours in and I have the coolest skin on the planet so they’re as useful as a chocolate teapot to me. The Cool fan is something I will melt delicately into when, and if, I decide to go silver grey – but not before.
- But my little Mum can wear both cool and warm colours just as long as they’re bright, so she is much happier with the Bright fan.
- If a lady is Deep and can wear both Autumn and Winter colours, then the Deep fan is much more useful to her.
We do a safe tonal fan with 18 swatches, and a more conventional tonal fan with 45 colours in. Take your pick.
You can also make up your own wallets using the personalised selection system. I personally think life is too short to sit making up wallets and fans, when your client is never going to be able to find an exact match in the shops anyway.
Your choice, of course. However, it will save you taking apart the fans you already have and being left with bits you can’t use! I also recommend you read this about choosing the colours you want.